Monday, May 3, 2010

Bat Hybrid

Something I did in figure drawing of all places. It's a sort of hybridized self portrait referring back to portrait photography. I used quite a bit of shellac which doesn't come through on this poor scan as a means of reinforcing content with supporting materials.

Aprox 12x9
Mixed Media


One of my fellow students Kathrine Jones produced a compendium of art from students and some of the faculty at Boise State as a kind of farewell/memento of her time here and I was lucky enough to be invited to participate. If you're looking for the first ever published Karl Art in addition to a satisfying taste of other Local Idaho artists check out Pressbook 2010. I entered the Jellyfish Echo and Pinwheel Charlie pieces. She also mentioned the possibility doing it again some time later as way to reconnect and stay in touch with all of us.